Program Overview
68.7 million tonnes accounting for nearly 40% of food produced in India is lost across the post-harvest value chain before it reaches the markets, thus leading to decrease in nutritional security and income losses for farmers. Inappropriate disposal of food waste causes environmental deterioration through increase in GHG emissions, water and air pollution. Existing post-harvest management practices are fragmented, inefficient and inaccessible to small and marginal farmers.
Techtonic – Innovations towards Zero Food Waste (ZFW), a program supported by DBS Bank and powered by Social Alpha aims to support sustainable technologies and solutions along the food value chain to drive positive environmental, livelihood and economic impact.
We invite entrepreneurs working on science and technology solutions that are ready for deployment and have the potential to create positive impact, scale across geographies and demonstrate business model sustainability to apply to the Techtonic.
Upto 5 start-ups will receive grants and a wide range of technology and business support through Social Alpha’s venture acceleration model.
Techtonic – Innovations towards Zero Food Waste invites solutions to solve the following challenges along the agriculture and food value chain:
Affordable, small-scale and innovative solutions near farmgate, solving for:
- Loss due to conventional non-mechanized threshing, cleaning, and/ or winnowing techniques;
- Improper handling of the produce;
- Perishability due to ineffective drying and moisture management practices.
Cost-effective, highly efficient, modular, and multi-crop solutions solving for:
- Inaccessibility and inadequacy of existing storage infrastructure;
- Absence of decentralized storage infrastructure near farmgate;
- Absence of humidity, temperature control, real-time monitoring & quality control mechanisms in existing infrastructure;
- High capital expenditure and operational costs of cold storage systems coupled with lack of affordable access to finance
- Lack of affordable pre-cooling services near farmgate.
Affordable and efficient solutions solving for:
- Absence of aggregation and pick up solutions for first mile transport and distribution services from farmgate;
- Lack of cold transportation solutions and contamination of fresh produce due to heat & humidity.
Easy-to-use, small-scale, efficient, multi-functional, end-to-end processing and value add solutions solving for:
- Lack of access to mechanized primary processing solutions near farmgate;
- High capital expenditure and operational costs of food processing and value add technologies, coupled with lack of access to finance.
Tech-driven solutions solving for:
- Lack of access to organized and consistent markets, causing small and marginal farmers to sell their produce at lower rates;
- Inability of farmers to make data-backed decisions due to unavailability of real-time market price and demand supply information
Affordable bio-tech innovations solving for:
- High perishability of fresh produce across the food value chain due to early ripening, microbial growth and pest-attacks;
- Inefficient packaging, reducing the quality and shelf-life of fresh produce.
Innovative technologies solving for:
- Lack of optimum utilization of agriculture waste generated at the farmgate, and food waste generated at APMC’s, modern retailers and HORECA establishments;
- Limited discoverability of food waste generated at APMCs and HORECA establishments for collection and value generation
Who can Apply
The program is targeting innovations at an advanced stage of product development where in:
- Prototype exists and at least one pilot has been carried out or proof of concept has been physically demonstrated in real world conditions/on the ground/outside the lab with positive results
- Pre-commercial/fully functional lab prototype with some testing and feedback from users exists
- The product is ready and is already in the market and can be scaled
Ideal applications would be in TRL 7 to fully commercialized stage; in-revenue start-ups are also encouraged to apply.
Program Offerings
Up to 5 winners will receive
Access to Grants – Each start-up will receive a grant of INR 44L
a. Opportunity to pitch for seed capital (equity) up to 1Cr per start-up to Social Alpha
b. Access to Social Alpha’s large and diverse investor and donor network
Access to Social Alpha’s strong implementation/grassroots partner and program network
Assist with developing go-to-market strategy and overall business advisory for 1 year
Access to grants and our network of experts
Assistance with product development, designing, rapid prototyping and design for manufacturing
Curated set of capacity building and knowledge sessions by qualified global and local experts
Access to DBS Bank’s wide range of global and local partners
Launch of the Challenge Applications open
29th March 2022
Last date to submit applications
20th May 2022
Virtual interviews and Due Diligence rounds
May 2022
Grand Jury
Announcement of winnersJune 2022
frequently asked questions
1. What is the duration of the program?
The program is 2 year long; however, it will vary from case to case based on the needs of the start-up.
2. What is the structure of the program?
The program is cohort-driven; however, the durations will vary based on the needs of each start-up. The winners will be a part of the Social Alpha accelerator program.
As part of the cohort there shall be opportunities to attend webinars and sessions organized by the Social Alpha ecosystem and its partners. Also, interspersed through the program shall be opportunities to interact with external stakeholders, funders and mentors from within the Social Alpha Network.
The first month will be an orientation launchpad where the portfolio managers will map an in-depth plan for the Accelerator for each winner.
Program structure details will be shared in advance with the winners.
1. Who can apply for the program?
The program is looking for start-ups with innovative solutions reducing food loss and food waste. Organizations with the potential to create impact, scale across locations and demonstrate business model sustainability.
2. Is the challenge open for international start-ups?
No, only start-ups registered in India with more than 50% shareholding by Indian promoters are eligible to apply for the program.
3. What would be the ideal stage of the product for the program?
The program is targeting innovations at an advanced stage of product development where in:
- Prototype exists and at least one pilot has been carried out or proof of concept has been physically demonstrated in real world conditions/on the ground/outside the lab with positive results
- Pre-commercial / fully functional lab prototype with some testing and feedback from users exists
- The product is ready and is already in the market and can be scaled
4. Is there any preference for a particular type of innovation?
Applicants with technology-based solutions reducing post-harvest losses and food waste are encouraged to apply. Innovations can be a product or a service but must be aligned to the focus areas outlined in the program. There is a preference for innovations that have a high social impact potential for small and marginal farmers in India.
5. Will I be eligible to receive funding by Social Alpha upon selection?
Winners of the techtonic will have access to seed capital by Social Alpha, subject to due diligence, and upon mutual agreement on terms of engagement.
1. What are the benefits I can avail from the program?
- Up to 5 winners will receive:
- Financial Support:
- Access to Grants – Each start-up will receive a grant of up to INR 44L
- Fundraising Support:
- Opportunity to pitch for seed capital (equity) up to 1Cr per start-up to Social Alpha
- Access to Social Alpha’s large and diverse investor and donor network
- GTM and Sales Support:
- Access to Social Alpha’s strong grassroots partnerships and implementation & program network
- Dedicated Portfolio Management by agri-business and sectoral experts to assist with developing go-to-market strategy and overall business advisory for 1 year
- Marketing and Branding – Access to grants and our network of experts
- Product development support including assistance with designing, rapid prototyping, and design for manufacturing
- Curated set of capacity building and knowledge sessions by qualified global and local experts
- Networking opportunity with access to DBS’s wide range of global and local partners
2. Do I have to be physically present for any cohort-based sessions?
Given the current pandemic the Social Alpha team will organize the sessions keeping in mind the safety of the participants/ experts and the team. While certain events will need winners to be physically present, the participants will have the option of attending the webinars/ sessions online. Details of the events will be shared in advance.
3. Is mentoring paid or free?
Mentoring, as part of the continuous engagement with the winners of the Techtonic, will be provided free of charge.
Some mentor support, particularly from the internal ecosystem, comes pro-bono as a part of the incubation services, however, some mentors and their advisory support may have a notional or actual cost. Participation in specialized/additional events could be subject to a nominal fee.
4. How frequently will Social Alpha interface with the winners during the program?
There will be regular interface between the winning start-ups and the Social Alpha program implementation team. Each start-up will be allocated a portfolio manager to help with customized requests who will continually and regularly engage with the start-ups.
1. What are the important dates to remember during the selection process?
Last date to submit the applications – May 10, 2022
Virtual interview rounds and Announcement of finalists – May 20 – 30th
Grand Jury – June 10th – 15th
Terms and Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions before submitting your entry:
- Participating or proposed ventures should be independent entities, meaning that they should not be a subsidiary of an existing corporation or have legal ties to a government body.
- Existing non-profits can participate; however, they should propose a new venturing idea or a new plan to transform their existing solutions into a more sustainable solution.
- As the Techtonic is looking for innovators to work on establishing marketing channels for existing products, and not research and product development, only those with developed ideas and/or prototypes should apply.
- Submissions which are incomplete will be deemed void and disqualified from the evaluations.
- Submissions should be the original work of the participant/ participating entity and should demonstrate positive sustainable and scalable social impact in India (though not exclusively in the region).
- Participants agree to the use of their names, photographs, disclosure of their country of residence; and are required to cooperate with any other reasonable requests by the organiser relating to any publicity-related activities.
- Participants are required to submit a declaration of good standing and solvency at the final stage of evaluation. If there is any change in circumstance that invalidates their good standing and solvency, the team is to immediately inform the organisers.
- All participants own the rights to their ideas. Participants must properly acknowledge any trademarks, patented or copyrighted materials of others that are incorporated into the submission materials. Participants are responsible for obtaining any necessary permission before utilizing such materials into their submissions.
- Submitted ideas are protected in the spirit of non-disclosure, and all submitted materials will be treated as company confidential. The only people with access to the entry materials will be judges and select members of the organising committee. Materials will not be distributed to any other party unless requested by a participant. No other provisions are made to protect intellectual property.
- As an effort to support the innovation ecosystem, for research purposes, non-sensitive data may be shared with government agencies or partner organizations. The participant’s personal identity, name, family name, phone number, address, or email address will not be used in any public collateral.
- Participants are advised not to disclose critical information which would affect a successful filing of patent(s). All presentations are open to the general public, and some presentations may be videotaped. Attendance by media personnel is expected in the final stages of the program. Any data or information discussed or divulged in public sessions by participants should be considered information that will likely enter the public realm, and entrants should not assume any right of confidentiality in any data or information discussed, divulged or presented in these sessions.
- The selection of the ‘Winners’ is at the sole discretion of the judges and the organisers from Social Alpha and partnering organisations. Best efforts will be made to make decisions in accordance with this document.
- Throughout any and all phases of the Techtonic, all decisions of the judges are final.
- The organisers of the Techtonic reserve the right to disqualify any participant who is found to have violated the spirit of the program guidelines and terms and conditions stated herein. Disqualified participants shall forfeit any and all prizes awarded to them.
- The organisers reserve the right to amend these rules at any point before the Closing Date of the Techtonic in line with the overall goal of the program.
- The indicated dates for the Techtonic may be revised at any point of time by the organisers. Any change in schedule will be suitably intimated on the Techtonics webpage and on other relevant platforms.
For any assistance needed in filling the application form, please reach out to us at